1) Medical officers (Sanitätsoffiziere): Medical officers had to pass either the military medical academy or have a attended a university plus a additional military training. Medical officers had the staff and serpent insignia on the shoulder strap. The Waffenfarbe was cornflower blue for all medical officers. According to their rank they were battalion doctors, regimental doctors, surgeons etc. or commanded a medical unit.
2) Medical NCO´s (Sanitätsunteroffiziere): Medical NCO´s were the backbone of the german military medical system. Every company size formation had a medical NCO who was responsible for the organization of the medical treatment of the company. A company NCO had the Waffenfarbe of the company he was attached to and had the medical specialist badge on the right lower sleeve. Luftwaffe medical NCO´s wore the specialist badge on the lower left arm. NCO´s serving in a medical unit (San.Kp, Feldlazarett etc..) had shoulder straps with the cornflower blue Waffenfarbe. The shoulder boards had no staff and serpent insignia. A NCO was allowed to wear the specialist badge after passing the first semester exam. Medical NCO´s had many different tasks like company medical NCO, X-ray assistent, operation assistant etc... The medical NCO of a company sets up the Truppenverbandplatz together with the NCO´s of the other companies
3) Medics (Sanitätssoldaten): Medical-soldiers were especially trained soldiers in medical units. They assisted the medical officers and NCO´s in all means. A medical-company had 8 Sanitätssoldaten. They wore cornflower-blue Waffenfarbe and the medical specialist badge.
4.) Orderlies (Krankenträger): Orderlies were men with a basic first aid training. They were attached to companies and medical units. A company had normally 4 orderlies located in the Troß section. They were responsible to recover wounded soldiers from the field and provide first aid either on the field or in the wounded nest. They had the Waffenfarbe of the unit they are attached to, a red cross armband but no medical specialist badge.
5) Auxiliary orderlies (Hilfskrankenträger): To assist the orderlies every company assigned auxiliary orderlies in case of combat. They were normal soldiers wearing the Waffenfarbe of the organic unit, the red cross armband or a "Hilfskrankenträger" armband. How many soldiers were assigned is regulated in the KStN. The number varied depending on the type of company between 4 and 10.
6) Nurses (Krankenschwestern): The Wehrmacht had no organic nurses but was heavily supported by personnel from the german red cross. Nurses were sent to field-hospitals, hospitals and other medical recreation facilities of the Wehrmacht for assistance
7) Apothecaries (Apotheker): Apothecaries were responsible for the supply and distribution of medicaments in field-hospitals, medical companies etc... They are wearing cornflower blue Waffenfarbe but no staff and serpent insignia.
Zdravotníci a lékaři dekorovaní Rytířským kříže
Oberartz Dr. Rudolf Jäger 15.05.1940 Truppenartz i.d. Fallschirmjäger Sturmabtailung " Koch" ( jediný doktor na Eben Emal )
Oberfeldartz Dr. Werner Wischhausen 26.05.1940 Divisionsartz 22.ID
Oberstabsartz Dr. Heinrich Neumann 21.08.1941 Truppenartz prvního Fallschirmjäger Sturmregiment
Sanitätsunteroffizier Willi Pieper 08.04.1943 Stabskompanie (Pionierzug) GR 478 (padl 13.7.1943 v prostoru Kursk-Orel v hodnostiSanitätsfeldwebel)
Sanitätsunteroffizier Frantz Schmitz 13.09.1943 3./GR 279
Sanitätsfeldwebel Rudolf Bäcker 18.09.1943 Stab II./GR 36
Stabsartz Dr.Hans Joachim Schulz-Merkel 23.12.1943 Truppenartz I./Panzerregiment 35
Sanitätsunteroffizier Manfred Jordan 11.01.1944 Zugfürer 4./PGR 66 (padl 10.5.1944 na východní frontě v hodnosti Sanitätsfeldwebel)
Sanitätsfeldwebel Karl Nowotnik 21.03.1944 Stab/FB 212
Assistenzartz Dr.Walter Keup 21.03.1944 Bataillonsartz I./GR 202
Stabsartz Dr.Friedrich Salamon 20.07.1944 Abteilungsartz II./PGR 26
Stabsartz Dr. Ernst Gadermann 03.09.1944 Truppenartz III./Stukageschwader 2 "Immelmann"
Oberartz Dr. Heinrich Hüls 21.09.1944 Hilfsartz II./PR 11 (padl 16.8.1944 u Raseinenu-vyznamenán IM)
Stabsartz Dr. Carl Langemeyer 18.11.1944 1 .Fallschirm Sanitätsabteilung